Kenyatta Black - Is Online Therapy Legal 25 Feb 2022


Is Online Therapy Legal In Texas?

Online counselling is becoming increasingly popular for psychological issues such as depression and anxiety. Many therapists use Skype or Zoom video chat technology to conduct sessions remotely. There are no specific laws governing the practice of teletherapy, but each state may have regulations in place regarding the licensing of mental health professionals. 

How Does Online Therapy Work?

There are many reasons why people seek help from a therapist, whether they’re seeking counselling or psychotherapy. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, people have paused face-to-face sessions and transitioned to online therapy. Patients and counselors don’t have to worry about getting sick. Online therapy is also enticing for individuals because they don’t even have to leave their home! They can just hop on the computer and receive help. Online therapy can be an effective tool for reaching out to those who would otherwise not seek treatment. 

The most common form of online therapy involves using video conferencing software to connect clients with licensed psychologists, psychiatrists, counsellors, social workers or other mental health providers. This type of online therapy allows individuals to talk to a professional counsellor without having to leave home. Some websites offer free online counselling, while others charge fees for their services.

Texas Board of Examiners About Online Therapy

Online therapy is legal in Texas. In fact, the Texas Board of Examinations has recently launched an online therapy program for all licensed therapists in the state. This is a huge step forward for the mental health community. The program includes self-paced courses, certification exams, continuing education credits, and real-time interactions with board examiners via webcam. They include courses on Assessment, Clinical Skills, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Counseling Processes, Couples and Marital Issues, Depression and Anxiety Disorders, Eating Disorders, Grief and Loss, Trauma and PTSD, Special Populations, Workplace Orientation/Conflict Resolution, Suicide Risk and Prevention, Substance Abuse, and much more. These self-paced courses can be taken at any time over the course of two years.

Overstated Practices: Clinicians Are Too Often Unaware of the Rules

Medical professionals should be aware of rules related to practicing over state lines since they could face penalties for practicing out of state. These rules include having malpractice insurance, obtaining a license, registering with the National Practitioner Data Bank, filing annual reports, and being able to practice medicine under supervision. If medical professionals do not follow these rules, they may risk losing their license to practice medicine and also could face civil liability.

Why Online Therapy is Important During Covid?

There has been a huge increase in the number of people suffering from mental health issues due to the COVID-19 outbreak. The first thing someone affected by depression or anxiety would do is Google their problem. If they find out how others have dealt with similar situations, then they might feel like they don’t need therapy right now. However, when they eventually do seek professional help, they’ll be able to share their story with therapists who’ve been through something similar themselves.

As such, online therapy can help them get through this difficult period. It provides a secure environment to talk about whatever it is that’s bothering them without feeling judged or embarrassed. This allows them to come to terms with their past mistakes and learn valuable lessons from them. In addition, because every member of your therapist’s team will use Skype, you won’t suffer from a disconnect between your therapist, therapist assistant, or other members of your treatment team. You are free to communicate privately as well. That being said, if you still prefer to meet in person, then that option is available too!

Reach Out To Kenyatta Black For Professional Therapy Help

If you are suffering from some mental problems and looking for expert counselling help, Kenyatta Black is the best place to reach out. Their caring and experienced counselors are available in online and face-to-face sessions to help you be the best version of yourself. Reach out today! 

Online therapy 17 Jan 2022


What is Online Therapy?

E-therapy, e-counseling, teletherapy, or cyber-counseling are all terms for offering mental health treatments and support over the internet. Email, text messaging, video conferencing, online chat, messaging, and internet phone can all be used to provide services.

Online counseling can take place in real time, such as through phone calls and text messages, or in a time-delayed fashion, such as via email communications. Despite its drawbacks, this sort of treatment is gradually becoming a valuable resource for a rising number of people.

Some people may prefer to chat about their thoughts, personal difficulties, and objectives over the internet rather than face to face when it comes to something as private and personal as mental health. Patients can get treatment in the privacy of their own homes, and certain counselors are more likely to provide services outside of normal work hours. More people can seek therapy, and therapists can extend their practice and offers, thanks to the enhanced convenience and accessibility.

Overcoming Grief 19 Oct 2020


How to Overcome Grief

El duelo es una de nuestras emociones menos queridas. Trae toneladas de tristeza y causa un dolor retorcido en tu corazón. Al llegar a las extremidades, el duelo puede tomar la forma más fuerte y mucho más dañina de la depresión, que puede volverse aún más crítica para que una persona la supere. Para prevenir tales consecuencias, es importante que los humanos superemos nuestro dolor, o al menos, tratemos de disminuirlo.

Según psicólogos y expertos en salud mental, ningún ser humano normal puede superar por completo su dolor. El duelo puede ser el resultado desafortunado de perder a un ser querido, no lograr lo que tu corazón desea o simplemente ser descuidado por los demás y sentirte menos amado. Cualquiera que sea la razón, el duelo está directamente asociado con una emoción nuestra, y las emociones son imposibles de borrar de nuestra memoria.

La eliminación completa del duelo seguramente es una tarea imposible, pero hay formas de aliviar el dolor que atravesamos. La próxima vez que sienta que su corazón se hunde o que las lágrimas ruedan por sus ojos, intente recordar estos puntos que se indican a continuación.

(1) Abrir

Sentarse en la esquina de su habitación y pensar en su dolor no mejorará las cosas. Te encontrarás solo y débil, lo que añadirá más a tu tristeza. Suelte el dolor hablando de ello con su familia, amigos o sus allegados, personas con las que se sienta cómodo para compartir cualquier cosa. Sus respuestas y consuelos pueden inculcarte la motivación para continuar con tu vida y también darte la fuerza para aceptar tu pérdida.

(2) Desvía tu mente

Puede que no sea tan fácil como parece, pero distraer tu mente realizando ciertas actividades puede reducir tu dolor en gran medida. Pueden ser leer una novela interesante, dar un paseo tranquilo por la mañana, cocinar para usted y su familia o invertir su tiempo en hacer algo que ama. Este tipo de actividades pueden arrastrarte a centrarte en sí mismas, liberándote de las ataduras de la soledad y la desesperación.

(3) Llame o visite a sus amigos/familiares

Como se mencionó anteriormente, el dolor puede comenzar a devorarlo lentamente desde adentro. Quedarse solo durante sus dificultades no es una buena opción. Si vive solo, no dude en pedirles a sus amigos, hermanos o familiares que vengan a su casa y se queden unos días. Esto puede ayudarte mucho a reducir tu dolor, ya que hablar con las personas que te rodean evitará que tu mente te recuerde constantemente la fase baja de tu vida.

Si sus amigos o familiares no pueden llegar a su casa, siempre tiene la opción de quedarse en su casa por un par de días o simplemente hablar con ellos por teléfono.

El desafortunado hecho de la vida es que todos experimentan dolor en algún momento u otro. Incluso si no parece posible, sepa que mejorará. Manténgase conectado con sus amigos y familiares y comuníquese con Kenyatta Black Counseling para ayudarlo a superar su dolor.

Coping with Stress 21 Sep 2020


How to Cope with Stress

We live in an age where time seems to be moving faster than we can keep up. There is constant cut-throat competition and work, and we hardly take a pause to think about how we’re feeling or our wellbeing. This culture of non-stop work is leading to an increasing number of cases of high-level stress.

Stress is incredibly damaging, both mentally and physically. It not only narrows your ability to think clearly, but it also affects your ability to function effectively. We’ve all been in a situation where we can’t focus on the task at hand because we are so worried about something else that is coming up or something bad that just happened. Sometimes we can become trapped in a cycle of stress: we are so stressed that we can’t function, and our inability to get work done in turn creates more stress. This constant cycle is emotionally draining, and individuals are not able to enjoy their lives to the fullest. Many individuals feel stressed about things that are out of their control and don’t stop to truly consider the things that they do have control over.

Kenyatta Black Counseling understands the importance and urgency of the need for adopting a lifestyle that can help in coping up with the stress. Here are some ways in which you can practice stress relief:

The Magic of Guided Imagery: Guided imagery simply means taking a small vacation in your mind. First choose a setting that is comforting and relaxing. This will be your happy place. Next close your eyes and imagine that you are at your happy place. You can take as much time as you need to tour the area and bask in its warmth. When you relaxed, you can open your eyes and return to your present situation.

Meditation: This can bring short-term stress relief as well as lasting stress management benefits. When you focus on the present and that particular moment, you tend to avoid letting any problems of the future affect your present.

Focus on Breathing: With the help of breathing techniques, you can calm your body and your brain in just a few minutes. If you’re in a stressful meeting or you’re sitting in a crowded place, breathing exercises could be key to reducing your stress.

A Short Walk: Taking a walk is a fantastic stress reliever that can work in minutes. This method allows you to enjoy a change of scenery, which can get you into a different frame of mind. Breathing in air from the outside is always a plus as well!

Eat a Balanced Diet: High-sugar foods can add to your long-term stress. Refined carbs, like potato chips, can elevate your sugar levels, resulting in stress and anxiety. Having a balanced diet can help you combat stress, and foods like eggs, fruits, and salad maintain energy balance.

There are a variety of other methods that can help reduce stress, such as getting a hug from a loved one, creating artwork, taking time for leisure activities, positive self-talk, yoga, and exercising. While a small amount of stress can be beneficial, lingering stress that dominates your life is simply not healthy. Call Kenyatta Black Counseling today to identify sources of stress and ways to reduce them to lead a happy and healthy life!

22 Aug 2020


How Long Does Grief Last?

Ya sea la muerte de un ser querido o una mascota, un divorcio o ruptura, la pérdida de un trabajo o amenazas a la seguridad financiera, o cambios repentinos y drásticos en su salud o la salud de un ser querido, el duelo puede consumir a una persona durante largos períodos de tiempo. El duelo es una respuesta perfectamente normal y habitual a una pérdida o cambios en la vida de uno, y se caracteriza por un profundo dolor.

Aunque todos experimentan duelo en algún momento de su vida, la cantidad de tiempo que dura el duelo es diferente para los individuos. Debido a que todos se afligen y reaccionan ante situaciones negativas de manera diferente, el período asociado con la recuperación también es diferente. El duelo rara vez tiene un comienzo, una mitad y un final claros. Un concepto erróneo común sobre el duelo que a menudo se presenta en las películas y los medios de comunicación es que existe una progresión ordenada de emociones que conducirá al “cierre”. Este no es el caso para la mayoría de las personas, y el hecho es que no hay una línea de tiempo fija o una serie de eventos que lleven al final del duelo. Depende completamente de la fuerza de quien sufre y del vínculo con la cosa o persona que se ha perdido; en algunos casos, entonces, el duelo puede durar toda la vida. Por ejemplo, los padres cuyos hijos mueren jóvenes a menudo dicen que nunca superan la pérdida y terminan viviendo con ese dolor durante toda su vida. Asimismo, la pérdida de un cónyuge, pareja o hermano también es increíblemente angustiosa.

No se puede predecir cuánto tardará una persona en duelo en empezar a sentirse mejor. El duelo puede durar de seis a ocho semanas o de seis meses a cuatro años, y no es un interruptor que simplemente se apaga una vez que el duelo ha terminado. El proceso es lento y sutil, y eventualmente las personas que están pasando por un duelo comienzan a notar pequeños cambios, como que es un poco más fácil despertarse por la mañana o que se sienten un poco más enérgicos que de costumbre.

Hay muchos períodos de altibajos cuando se trata de duelo. Puede ser temporal o permanente, y muchas veces el duelo puede convertirse en depresión, que se caracteriza por sentimientos persistentemente negativos y pérdida de interés en actividades que pueden tener un impacto significativo en la vida diaria.

Kenyatta Black Counseling brinda servicios de asesoramiento en Arlington, Texas, y está allí para ayudarlo a superar el duelo y comenzar a sanar. Sus consejeros de duelo tienen experiencia y son amigables y pueden ayudarlo a que su viaje a través del duelo sea menos doloroso. Y recuerda: ¡las cosas mejorarán!

Having a Panic Attack 17 Jul 2020


What is a Panic Attack?

Have you ever become suddenly anxious and frightened to the point where your heart pounds quickly, your body sweats, and you are not able to breathe? If so, you have likely experienced a panic attack, which is a type of anxiety disorder.

Panic attacks are sudden episodes of overwhelming fear and anxiety that seemingly come out of nowhere. According to the National Institute of Mental Health, there is no real reason or danger that provokes these panic attacks, meaning that they can happen anytime and anywhere – when you are out at a dinner party, when you are grocery shopping, when you are walking down the street, or even when you are sleeping. The intense fear triggers numerous physical reactions such as sweating, dizziness, a tight chest, racing pulse, and closing of the throat. Individuals who do not know what they are experiencing think they are losing control over their bodies, are having a heart attack, or even think they are about to die.

Panic attacks themselves are not life-threatening, but they affect the quality of a person’s life because they are so traumatic. Many people only experience one to two panic attacks in their lifetimes, and these events are usually brought on by stressful situations and go away on their own once the situations are resolved. For some people, panic attacks do not go away and become a recurring part of life. When people in this situation live in constant fear of getting another panic attack, the condition turns into a panic disorder.

While there is no way to prevent panic attacks from happening, individuals can address their underlying causes and work to reduce their overall stress. This includes getting treatment and seeking help from a therapist or doctor. Getting professional help can lessen the severity of panic attacks and reduce their frequency. Additionally, individuals can manage anxiety by sticking to a healthy lifestyle and staying physically active. Panic attacks are a serious threat to quality of life, and individuals suffering from them should seek counseling to regain a sense of normality in their lives.

Stress During a Pandemic 27 May 2020


Coping with Stress During a Pandemic

When a pandemic strikes, adjusting to a new way of life can be difficult. The coronavirus pandemic of 2020 has left many people living in fear and experiencing an increase in anxiety due to the uncertainty of the situation. Fear of contracting the virus or spreading it to loved ones has kept many individuals indoors and away from public places. The constant worrying and wishing life would become “normal” again can bring out the worst coping strategies in some of the strongest individuals. It is important to learn how to cope with stress healthily and help those around you to do the same so that your community can rise from this pandemic stronger than they went into it.

During an outbreak of an infectious disease, stress may take many forms. One may begin to worry more about their health and the health and safety of their loved ones. You may develop changes in your sleeping and eating habits, have difficulty sleeping or concentrating, and experience an increased use of alcohol, tobacco, or other self-medicating substances. Stress can also worsen chronic health problems or pre-existing mental health conditions. Individuals who are more prone to a stronger stress response during a pandemic include older individuals with chronic diseases or compromised immune systems, young children and teenagers, first responders, and those who have existing mental health conditions or a history of substance abuse.

Learning healthy ways to cope with stress can help you and those around you cope with the changing ways of life during a pandemic. Although it is important to stay up-to-date on current information surrounding confirmed cases and the spread of the pandemic, it is equally as important to take a break from watching, reading, or listening to news stories and social media during this time. Hearing about the negative situation constantly can begin to have a negative impact on your health, and the recent increase of misinformation and conspiracy theories can have a negative effect and add stress as well. It is also important to take care of your body. Practice breathing exercises to help with increased anxiety, stretch, or meditate often. Focus on eating healthy and well-balanced meals to properly fuel your body during this stressful time. Make time to unwind by setting aside time in your day to do things that you truly enjoy and take a moment to safely connect with others. Talk to them about how you are feeling and be a listening ear for them as well.

Young children are especially at risk for developing unhealthy coping strategies because they have not experienced a situation similar to a pandemic before. Parents can support their children by talking with them about how they are feeling and maintaining a daily routine. Structure supplies a safety net for children, something they can expect in a world that has become so unpredictable. Love and reassurance also go a long way in helping your child deal with their stress caused by the uprooting of their normal routine.

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder 13 Apr 2020


Coping with COVID-19 and A.D.H.D.

Vivir con el Trastorno por Déficit de Atención con Hiperactividad (TDAH) puede ser un desafío diario para todos los afectados. Desde innumerables pensamientos dispersos hasta un exceso de energía, el TDAH puede hacer que incluso las tareas más simples sean increíblemente difíciles. Los estudios han demostrado que los síntomas del TDAH tanto en niños como en adultos pueden volverse más prominentes cuando el individuo experimenta un mayor nivel de estrés o aislamiento.

Algunas personas a las que se les ha diagnosticado TDAH creen que las habilidades de afrontamiento aprendidas serán lo que las diferencie de la población general en medio de una crisis nacional. Otros sienten que es posible que no puedan manejar el cambio repentino en el estilo de vida que se requiere durante las situaciones de “cierre” debido a una pandemia, como las que entraron en vigencia debido al brote inesperado del virus COVID-19.

Durante tiempos tan inciertos, las personas a menudo se ven obligadas a hacer cambios drásticos en su estilo de vida en un esfuerzo por mantenerse seguros a sí mismos y a sus seres queridos. Estos cambios podrían derivarse de las pautas recomendadas por el Centro para el Control de Enfermedades o ser parte de una orden ejecutiva establecida por funcionarios gubernamentales. En cualquier escenario, la necesidad repentina de cambiar la vida es suficiente para causar desafíos para todos los involucrados. Es importante que las personas que padecen TDAH sigan unos consejos básicos que ayudarán a que el proceso de adaptación sea más llevadero y posiblemente incluso beneficioso.

The structure is important for the productivity of every individual. Although people with A.D.H.D. normally may or may not follow a strict routine, learning to incorporate a schedule into your daily life can offer a sense of control and security during stressful times. Placing tasks such as waking up at the same time each day, taking medications or supplements after breakfast, and setting aside time for self-care on a schedule will ease some uncertainties of each day. It is also important to create a to-do list of tasks that may be overdue and work on completing them. Rather than starting new projects, finishing avoided or prolonged tasks will offer a feeling of accomplishment. Staying aware of your limits and stressors will help you set realistic goals, helping to avoid any possible feelings of discouragement or helplessness when your mental and emotional health may already be compromised. 

Los medios pueden ser considerados una bendición o una maldición dependiendo de a quién le preguntes. No importa cuán importante sea para algunos ver las noticias o leer el periódico, a veces puede ser importante limitar la cantidad de tiempo que está expuesto a las “noticias de última hora”. Rodearse de la información proporcionada por los medios de comunicación a menudo puede desencadenar una sensación de fatalidad, pavor o mayor preocupación debido a cómo se presenta la información. Asegúrese de mantenerse informado mientras se apega a los hechos para comprender mejor lo que está sucediendo con una pandemia. Independientemente de cómo elija pasar los días o semanas de “distanciamiento social” y “autocuarentena”, asegúrese de cuidar su salud física y mental ante todo.

types of counselors 27 Feb 2020


Types of Counseling

When perusing a profession as a counselor or therapist, it is important to understand the different types of counseling available and what each job will entail. There are a variety of specialties a counselor may study, depending on the type of aid they wish to offer.


The term “counselor” is a vague title that applies to anyone who has been properly trained and is qualified to give individuals guidance on personal, social, or psychological problems.  While a therapist and a counselor have slightly different definitions, both professions are focused on a common goal, helping those who are in need of their help. People who take pride in aiding others are highly encouraged to pursue a counseling degree program, as the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics has predicted the need for therapists and counselors will skyrocket beyond the number of available professionals in the coming years. Since counselors uphold such a broad range of specialized training, job opportunities are readily available in schools, hospitals, trauma centers, rehabilitation centers, just to name a few. Some graduates even consider starting a private practice.

Types of Counselors
Some of the most common types of counselors include marriage and family counseling, career guidance and support, rehabilitation, mental health counseling, substance abuse counseling, educational counseling, behavioral counseling, and school counselors. However, that is only the tip of the iceberg. With so many professions to choose from under the umbrella term “counselor”, students may struggle with deciding which path to take. Luckily, most accredited courses do not require students to stick with the course they signed up for. Students often find themselves getting their degree in an area unrelated to the one they signed up for. 

Techniques and Mental Illness
Counselors are trained to assist their patients using a range of techniques that are not specific to any one degree. Some of these techniques include child development strategies, eating disorder therapy, art therapy, music therapy, grief counseling, and self-help strategies. Many of these techniques are used to treat underlying mental illnesses that plague 26.2% of Americans every year, such as anxiety disorder, A.D.D., borderline personality disorder, panic disorder, social phobia, schizophrenia, P.T.S.D., depression, generalized anxiety, and so many more. 

Studies conducted by the National Institute for Mental Health show a shocking influx in individuals who are suffering from mental health disorders and that number is still expected to rise. Take your love for helping others and transform it into a career that is beneficial for you as well as those you wish to help.

If you are in need of a counselor in Arlington, you can email or call us today.

Reminders for Coping with Grief 10 Nov 2019


Reminders for Coping with Grief

One obstacle every individual will face during their lifetime is death. No matter the size or type of grief someone is forced to cope with, the struggle is understood unanimously. It could be the loss of a close relative or loved one, mentor, advisor, friend or even a pet. Every form of guilt, although sometimes excruciating, can be dealt with in a healthy manner and eased by remembering a few of these tips. 

Own your pain: Often an individual may act out in harmful ways or completely disassociate from the loss all together. Trying to ignore emotional pain or “mental blocking” can be toxic and produce a lifetime of mental and emotional issues. Owning the grief that floods one’s mind is crucial in the road to recovery after suffering a loss. Regularly acknowledging any pain felt will allow your body the release it needs, as often as it needs, promoting emotional growth and aiding healing time.

No two grievers are alike: Despite the similarities between any two victims of grief, no two people grieve in the exact same way. It is important to understand what your mentality may need in order to cope during this time and to resist comparing your experience to that of another. While someone else may need to be surrounded by people in the wake of a loss, you may find yourself needing to be isolated in order to properly process information and emotions. Both alternatives are completely normal. Never feel ashamed by reacting the way you do but consider seeking professional assistance if your tendencies typically harm or hurt yourself or others. 

Be patient and kind with yourself: It is too common that a victim of grief reprimands themselves for being upset, behaving in an unspecified manner, and for dealing with grief over what may seem like an eternity. It goes without saying that there is no rule book for the proper way to grieve. There is no timeline reference of when certain milestones of grieving should be met, and no expectations adhere to. Give yourself all the time you need to process your loss properly, find closure and begin to situate your life following a great loss. But most importantly, do not add more weight to the already heavy burden death brings by adding personal guilt or resentment into the mix.

While trudging through the dark valleys of grief, above all else remember that you are never alone in your suffering. The loss of one life can greatly affect an infinite amount of people. Consider reaching out to family and friends that understand what you are dealing with and offer support during your time of need.

If you are in need of counseling in Arlington, reach out to us today.

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