Kenyatta Black - Is Online Therapy Legal 25 Feb 2022


Online counselling is becoming increasingly popular for psychological issues such as depression and anxiety. Many therapists use Skype or Zoom video chat technology to conduct sessions remotely. There are no specific laws governing the practice of teletherapy, but each state may have regulations in place regarding the licensing of mental health professionals. 

How Does Online Therapy Work?

There are many reasons why people seek help from a therapist, whether they’re seeking counselling or psychotherapy. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, people have paused face-to-face sessions and transitioned to online therapy. Patients and counselors don’t have to worry about getting sick. Online therapy is also enticing for individuals because they don’t even have to leave their home! They can just hop on the computer and receive help. Online therapy can be an effective tool for reaching out to those who would otherwise not seek treatment. 

The most common form of online therapy involves using video conferencing software to connect clients with licensed psychologists, psychiatrists, counsellors, social workers or other mental health providers. This type of online therapy allows individuals to talk to a professional counsellor without having to leave home. Some websites offer free online counselling, while others charge fees for their services.

Texas Board of Examiners About Online Therapy

Online therapy is legal in Texas. In fact, the Texas Board of Examinations has recently launched an online therapy program for all licensed therapists in the state. This is a huge step forward for the mental health community. The program includes self-paced courses, certification exams, continuing education credits, and real-time interactions with board examiners via webcam. They include courses on Assessment, Clinical Skills, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Counseling Processes, Couples and Marital Issues, Depression and Anxiety Disorders, Eating Disorders, Grief and Loss, Trauma and PTSD, Special Populations, Workplace Orientation/Conflict Resolution, Suicide Risk and Prevention, Substance Abuse, and much more. These self-paced courses can be taken at any time over the course of two years.

Overstated Practices: Clinicians Are Too Often Unaware of the Rules

Medical professionals should be aware of rules related to practicing over state lines since they could face penalties for practicing out of state. These rules include having malpractice insurance, obtaining a license, registering with the National Practitioner Data Bank, filing annual reports, and being able to practice medicine under supervision. If medical professionals do not follow these rules, they may risk losing their license to practice medicine and also could face civil liability.

Why Online Therapy is Important During Covid?

There has been a huge increase in the number of people suffering from mental health issues due to the COVID-19 outbreak. The first thing someone affected by depression or anxiety would do is Google their problem. If they find out how others have dealt with similar situations, then they might feel like they don’t need therapy right now. However, when they eventually do seek professional help, they’ll be able to share their story with therapists who’ve been through something similar themselves.

As such, online therapy can help them get through this difficult period. It provides a secure environment to talk about whatever it is that’s bothering them without feeling judged or embarrassed. This allows them to come to terms with their past mistakes and learn valuable lessons from them. In addition, because every member of your therapist’s team will use Skype, you won’t suffer from a disconnect between your therapist, therapist assistant, or other members of your treatment team. You are free to communicate privately as well. That being said, if you still prefer to meet in person, then that option is available too!

Reach Out To Kenyatta Black For Professional Therapy Help

If you are suffering from some mental problems and looking for expert counselling help, Kenyatta Black is the best place to reach out. Their caring and experienced counselors are available in online and face-to-face sessions to help you be the best version of yourself. Reach out today! 

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