Coping with Stress 21 Sep 2020


We live in an age where time seems to be moving faster than we can keep up. There is constant cut-throat competition and work, and we hardly take a pause to think about how we’re feeling or our wellbeing. This culture of non-stop work is leading to an increasing number of cases of high-level stress.

Stress is incredibly damaging, both mentally and physically. It not only narrows your ability to think clearly, but it also affects your ability to function effectively. We’ve all been in a situation where we can’t focus on the task at hand because we are so worried about something else that is coming up or something bad that just happened. Sometimes we can become trapped in a cycle of stress: we are so stressed that we can’t function, and our inability to get work done in turn creates more stress. This constant cycle is emotionally draining, and individuals are not able to enjoy their lives to the fullest. Many individuals feel stressed about things that are out of their control and don’t stop to truly consider the things that they do have control over.

Kenyatta Black Counseling understands the importance and urgency of the need for adopting a lifestyle that can help in coping up with the stress. Here are some ways in which you can practice stress relief:

The Magic of Guided Imagery: Guided imagery simply means taking a small vacation in your mind. First choose a setting that is comforting and relaxing. This will be your happy place. Next close your eyes and imagine that you are at your happy place. You can take as much time as you need to tour the area and bask in its warmth. When you relaxed, you can open your eyes and return to your present situation.

Meditation: This can bring short-term stress relief as well as lasting stress management benefits. When you focus on the present and that particular moment, you tend to avoid letting any problems of the future affect your present.

Focus on Breathing: With the help of breathing techniques, you can calm your body and your brain in just a few minutes. If you’re in a stressful meeting or you’re sitting in a crowded place, breathing exercises could be key to reducing your stress.

A Short Walk: Taking a walk is a fantastic stress reliever that can work in minutes. This method allows you to enjoy a change of scenery, which can get you into a different frame of mind. Breathing in air from the outside is always a plus as well!

Eat a Balanced Diet: High-sugar foods can add to your long-term stress. Refined carbs, like potato chips, can elevate your sugar levels, resulting in stress and anxiety. Having a balanced diet can help you combat stress, and foods like eggs, fruits, and salad maintain energy balance.

There are a variety of other methods that can help reduce stress, such as getting a hug from a loved one, creating artwork, taking time for leisure activities, positive self-talk, yoga, and exercising. While a small amount of stress can be beneficial, lingering stress that dominates your life is simply not healthy. Call Kenyatta Black Counseling today to identify sources of stress and ways to reduce them to lead a happy and healthy life!

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